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Reset or Rennaisance

By Daniel Joseph Polikoff

Portal Books, 2024



Reset or Renaissance offers a real-time chronicle of events unfolding during the heated core of the Covid pandemic: the latter half of 2021, shortly after the rollout of the Covid vaccines. The book is no dull factual affair, but an impassioned critical engagement, distinctly literary in style, that offers a broader and deeper understanding of the scientific, sociopolitical, and spiritual dimensions of the Covid moment.


Combining documentary poetics with rigorous analysis of the flood of Covid misinformation, this volume records one American citizen’s concerted attempt to make intellectual and moral sense of a tumultuous time that shook the foundations of the world.

The historic drama surrounding Covid continues to unfold. Daniel Polikoff aims to translate knowledge of the recent past into a vision of the future guided by truth rather than illusion, perspicacity rather than prejudice, and conscience rather than calumny.


Two Roads: An American Scholar’s Covid Chronicle is the debut work of the multivolume opus Reset or Renaissance: Life, Liberty and the Quest for Enlightenment in a Post-Covid World.​​


Reset or Renaissance is available through Steinerbookspresswarehouse and Amazon

This is the book society has been waiting for—indeed, a masterpiece—and one that really needed to be written. The book provides a unique and invaluable flashback of the COVID-19 pandemic. The author describes salient events in a manner that is both objective and deeply philosophical while providing profound historical and literary background. There is a reasonable chance that this book will succeed in bringing people back together rather than further polarizing them. First and foremost, let’s hope the author’s wish may be fulfilled: that the insight provided will empower readers to consider which path they may now choose to take—one that leads towards a technocratic, undemocratic, dehumanizing future, or one that tends towards Social Beauty. Clearly, the author prefers the latter.

Former Senior Ebola Program Manager for GAVI
(Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization)


Two Roads pays enormous dividends for the courageous reader willing to look at the Covid pandemic through a different lens. No matter where you may stand after giving this material open consideration, you will be more empowered to trust your own judgment. This is a rare and precious gift at a most interesting time in our history.


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